Jun 3, 2011

Ecstasy on a spoon

Previously on this blog I had mentioned the raisin / peanut butter heaven on a spoon I now offer, for your peanut butter pallet, the greatest pairing on a spoon**Nutella and **Teddie Peanut Butter.

Dear GOD!!!! What took me so long??? Was I blinded by the easy availability of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and a childhood fascination with them? Have I lost my PB creativity? Why am I so late to the part?  Well, better late than never, I suppose, and now I'm a Nutella+Teddy PB devotee. Now the challenge will be how to make it portable....

Don't be a wimp: try it and enjoy it, and then create clever with recipes that include both PB an Nutella and send them to me, dammit. ( I have no domestic skills in the culinary arts, and could use the help...I could also use some help with GRE Math prep, if anyone is interested)
**Nutella is a registered TM of Nutella USA / Ferrara SRL 
 **Teddie is a registered TM of Leavitt Corp USA:
I don't own these images, so call off the lawyers.

1 comment:

  1. Peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches are the BEST! It's really good on a great whole wheat or seed bread; makes up for the unhealthiness of the contents within :)
