Jun 6, 2011

Reminding myself: "they are still young...they are still young"

The problem: a double sink -clogged

The place: summer housing for women ages 18 -20, and one anomalous 47 year old

The question: how long has the sink been like that? 

The response: since this morning

The clarifying question: is anyone coming to fix it?

The response:  maintenance doesn't work on weekends, so we have to wait until Monday. We did try looking everywhere for a plunger".

>>insert the needle scratching off the record sound here<<<

A suggestion for a solution: I have a car, so I'll go get some Liquid Plumber(TM). 

A counter-solution: isn't that expensive and  really toxic?.

So, what did I learn from this? The younger ladies in the house may not know how to shut of lights, or know what is / is not recyclable, but they do know a caustic product when it is mentioned as a solution to a problem.

I'm too old for this.

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