Mar 12, 2011

Sol Invictus

The video itself is pretty amazing, and the music isn't half bad either. What starts as a simple note progression, gives way to some serious chord formations, ala Bach and Beethoven (Cream Horn...don't lie, you like the chords),  the gets a beat at 00:50.  At ~ 5:00 the strings become chaotic, which is a nice touch, since the magnetic field of our sun is chaotic. 

Have a look at our Sun taken in extreme UV light (no, it's not blue shifting.) here.  Amazing flares and arcs. See more at my second favorite government website, here.  Humbling...simply, humbling

Technically, the title of the video, Sol Invictus is only partially true: while our Sun is invincible at this point in it's life as a main sequence star, it will most likely become a blue dwarf...but well after we humans have finally made ourselves extinct.

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