Mar 13, 2011

Do I stay home, or go?

It's never too early to start wondering if I should go to the 2012 release of The Hobbit, directed by that grossly misdirected, self-absorbed buffoon who ruined the cinematic debut of the Trilogy....ahh, my anger gets the best of me.

Try to understand me, people.  Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit, and The Silmarillon (the order in which I read them the first time - yes I've read them multiple times...when I say multiple, I mean more than four...except for the Hobbit which I only read twice) are mainstays of my reading experience.  I haven't re-read them since I became a "formal" student of literature. Somehow, the fascination surrounding books, and the memories I have attached to being engrossed in them would seem tainted if I read them right now.  It is that notion of being tainted that brings me to wondering whether I should pay $10 to go see that portly Kiwi ruin ANOTHER experience for me...anger again.
oh, yeah...I have this its original box holder AND with the fold out maps. Jealous.

Allow me to explain:  there are some texts, works, literature (pick the nomenclature that suits you best) that need no modification.  These works, as written, are fine as they are, and don't need Hollywood's hand to make them palatable for general audiences. Here are some examples: Wuthering Heights, or anything by Dickens. Still, movie producers in an effort to extract as much cash as possible from movie goers over emphasize love scenes, trauma scenes - or worse: create scenes that appear no where in the in the Fellowship of the Ring movie where that cracked-out Kiwi allowed a completely fabricated scene to be inserted.  Arwen was NOT at the Ford of Rivendell. NOT THERE.  Number of lines she had in that book???? NONE!!!!! What?!?! you are claiming that the producers were trying to show the strength and courage of Arwen and the Elves?!?! IT'S CALLED DIALOGUE, MORONS!!!! LEARN TO USE IT INSTEAD OF THE SWEEPING AERIAL SHOTS THAT SERVED AS A POST CARD FROM NEW ZEALAND!!!  oh boy...really whipped up. 

I should try this when I'm more rational.  See what mid-semester break does to a person???

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