Feb 7, 2011

oh my gawd. wickid big stawm

Lord Creamhorn was stuck in this storm. I'll let him tell the story about the snow coffin he made on the front lawn of my Uncle Vito & Aunt Francesca's home.

Blizzard Paralyzes Massachusetts
click for entire story
I was home shoveling out Mrs Starhursky at the end of the street. Come to think of it, I was at Bishop Feehan High School and they closed early.  I also remember walking from the end of Read Street to Mawney Street before my mother came and got me with the car. Sure it's only 0.4 miles, but I was in a school uniform that did not allow for pants. 

And on the subject of Pants, I'm looking for more Pants N'at episodes as well as the N'at Man episodes. 

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