Jun 24, 2011

Books I think are worth your time

Wasting time is a specialty of mine...except when it comes to books and short stories. Don't waste your time on LAME authors (hint hint hint: DH LAWRENCE), or on novels by authors who later get so experimental and obscure that you wonder if they are dealing with dementia, or on poetry that is so abstruse that you feel dumb when reading it.

This is a partial list of reading that will not waste your time.  The links are included, in case you want to lick them up at Amazon. post your reviews / comments about the titles on the list, if you like!

"CLASSICS"...whatever that term means nowadays.... Some you will recognize, some may be new. If you haven't read the titles you recognize - don't. Read the titles you have no idea about and be surprised :)

Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino
Dombey & Son - Charles Dickens
Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
East of Eden - John Steinbeck
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neal Hurston
Death Comes for the Archbishop  - Willa Cather

Titles that belong on the "classics" list: 
Cane - Jean Toomer
The Woman Warrior - Maxine Hong Kingston
HIS Dark Materials - Phillip Pullman

Will be classics as soon as the literary geniuses of the world realize that works in translation don't suck and belong in the so-called Literary Canon:

The Dictionary of the Khazars - Milorad Pavich (male of female edition are the same, save for one paragraph) 
My Name Is Red - Orhan Pamuk

Happy Reading!

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