Apr 22, 2011

Head Check

An email went out to the Junior class, asking to vote on a speaker for commencement.  Even though I'm a first semester senior, and will be done with my A.B. (B.A. for those of you who don't get diplomas written in Latin) in December, the college tosses me in with the Junior class, based on when I will attend commencement.

All but 145 of the 2200 students enrolled at Mt Holyoke College are between the ages of 18 and 23. As such, I find myself culturally out of the mainstream when it comes to who would be a suitable speaker at our graduation in may, 2012.  I nearly choked when I saw the list of potential candidates:  Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneris, John Stewart, Hillary Clinton...in that order. Poor students; I had such high hopes for them. I am stunned, but not surprised at the "raised by TV" generation.  I don't even want to know the results of the poll, lest I toss my love of academia into the trash and go work for a cat shelter.

The poll has only strengthened my resolve to get Gogol Bordello to play at the Perkins Scholar Annual Grill and Chill.  What's the link there? They have a song called "Start Wearing Purple" and the Perkins Scholars' colors are purple: 


1 comment:

  1. Hi there, it's Sharyn from the Kitty City Gazette! If you want stickers you gotta email me your address girl! My email is sharyn350z@gmail.com.

    Thanks and Hoppy Easter!!
