Apr 30, 2011

Achieving Happiness in Act V

One of my friends (infinitely more brilliant than I could ever hope to be) could not find my house last night, and thus, missed the "Social Whist Party" (NOT SOCIALIST PARTY...freaking commies...).  The party was done to the theme of the late 1920s - early 30s Harlem Renaissance, complete with 'bag test', bath tub gin, tunes, fried chicken, beans, and even Charleston lessons (that none of is, save one, could do). 

Is her life over because she missed it? Of course not.  Will her life now be in such a condition that it warrants redemption? Yes - otherwise, it would be a tragedy (of the Shakespearean kind...not the Greek "elicit pity and fear" kind, which gets lame after a while) This is where Shakespeare can help. 

By connecting the failed attempt at finding my house to a second attempt at finding my house, my friend will experience Act IV redemption and subsequent Act V denouement (fancy French word for tying up loose ends) and the potential for long term happiness.  This is the email that was sent to her, offering her redemption and resolution, in 5 easy steps:

You will have a moment of redemption in Act IV, where you can choose correctly, and thus, avoid the tragedy that is not knowing my address.  From redemption, you will proceed to denouement, and happiness in Act V.  Here are the instructions:

1) at between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., come to the Frances Perkins House.  This most unattractively colored Victorian (may architecturally qualify as Queen Anne style, because of the wrap around board / tower combination) is directly across the street from Skinner Hall.

2) Stand in front of Skinner and look across the street. Muse on the hideousness that is pea-soup green. (this is the redemption)

3) walk towards the hideousness: there will be free burgers, dogs, potato salad, etc.

4) locate me (this is the denouement)

5) be happy and sail to France to marry someone of the Lancastrian lineage.

Ah, Bill...I have as much of a chance as breaking up with you long-term as I do with the OED....

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