Mar 29, 2011


I can't handle the break-up with the OED... must I endure this, if we are to stay together????: 

♥ to heart
The new sense added to heart v. in this update may be the first English usage to develop via the medium of T-shirts and bumper-stickers. It originated as a humorous reference to logos featuring a picture of a heart as a symbol for the verb love, like that of the famous ‘I ♥ NY’ tourism campaign. Our earliest quote for this use, from 1984, uses the verb in ‘I heart my dog’s head’, a jokey play on bumper stickers featuring a heart and a picture of the face of a particular breed of dog (expressing a person’s enthusiasm for, say, shih-tzus) which itself became a popular bumper sticker.  From these beginnings, heart v. has gone on to live an existence in more traditional genres of literature as a colloquial synonym for ‘to love’.

 A symbol to replace a word?!?!?! NO. No. No. and just because it is a faux-verb, is no reason to put it in. I can't even imagine what the lobby for the next symbol is. I hope all you semiotics types are happy now :P  

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