Jan 19, 2011

The OED says...

masterpiece: (noun) a work of outstaning artistry, skill, or workmanship: (OED)

I love a good Mystery.  I love MYSTERY! on PBS. I don't love the description:
"Each summer, Masterpiece mystery! presents the best British mysteries."

WTF?!?!??! Each Summer?!?!? What happened to every Tuesday / Thursday night?!?! I go away from TV for a few years and THIS happens???   Note to the programmers: People are BBQing, drinking beer, and NOT watching a ton of TV in the summer (unless they can't sleep); the time to watch a good mystery is when the weather gets cold and we are inside...morons.  

As for the "best British mysteries"...really, PBS??  Really?  the "Wallander" series isn't British, and it isn't even shot completely in England - nor is it written by a Brit: it's written by Henning Mankel who is Swedish. So are the mysteries being aired the best of what the Brits have to air?  (if that's the case, you folks sued it up with the old Holmes, the new Sherlock, the Poirot Series, and maybe Wallander when I'm in a good mood)

And where are the Edward Gorey Animations at the beginning and the really cool theme music?!!???  Well, at least you had Alan Cummings hosting it last season.

Oh, wait 0 that's right, they have to make room for:  Masterpiece "Classic" and that abysmal failure "Downton Abbey".  Even Maggie Smith, an amazing set,and wardrobe couldn't improve a tired plot and awful screenwriting. (sorry, Baron, Lord Fellows).  Seriously, if I were interested in the complexities of the British titled class in the Modern peroid, I'd watch "Upstairs Downstairs"...which is making its re-appearance (re-done, not the original) in march 2011.  
But PBS doesn't stop with molesting my much loved MYSTERY! by tampering with it, or mangling Masterpeice Theatre with this obscure, exhausted, written for TV series.  For this, PBS now offers Masterpiece "Contemporary". We got realllllly contemporary. Frank Cottrell Boyce's"framed" which was supposed to be a comedy, but was really a hokey feel good sappy story that annoyed me.  Bah Bah and BAH!  I want Masterpiece Theatre back, and I want MYSTERY! to be shown on its own, instead of being part of a brand-name under the umbrella a the Masterpiece brand. 


  1. Mysteries to me also seem like winter television(pardon my grammar). Nobody curls up with a good mystery in....summer?! Did you ever see Lantern Hill? My sister and I LOVED it. I believe the gal from Anne of Green Gables is in it.

  2. Do you really want me to correct the grammar? No one likes their grammar corrected (except me). Besides, it is not a question of grammar, as much as it is syntax in the first sentence.

    No, I have not seen Lantern Hill. I will look into that now :)

  3. It's always syntax with me. I don't know what that means, and I should look it up, but I'm not going to (I'm on Facebook).

  4. not going to look it up? What?!?! I have the OED on my search bar and cannot imagine life with out it.
