Jan 20, 2011

Frosted Moho



  1. Well well, isn't this just so quaint.

    You knew and were secretly hoping all along that the Illustrious Lord Creamhorn would eventually emerge to grace the inane quasi-literary dribble that you have become so fond of spewing.

    The time is now. The wait is over. I am here, and soon your time will be spent defending the feline scurge and arguing over whether the 'smarties' are an unsubstantiated allusion to extraterrestrials.

    So many rants... so little time to rant!

    Soon both you and your well-meaning, but temporarily unenlightened intellectual friend base will be privy to the most clever of retorts -- and no, that is not a pastry!

    One caveat though..... my identity and all about me must stay a mystery. I shall only divulge that we share common genetics.

    Good Day, Liquidimwit.

    Nice pics!

  2. I feel like I am having a Mycroft moment.

    Truthfully, I was wondering when the Prince of Puff Pastry would peruse my pages. (isn't alliteration fun?)

    PS: I can't find the old blog; if you have it bookmarked (and we BOTH know you do), please email it to me.

    Lord Creamhorn? Cpt Cornhole is more like it.<<<that's what you get for calling DIMWIT
